Honor Valor Courage Corporation
A Subsidiary of
Honor Valor Courage Corporation
LNG CONSORTIUM PROJECT, LLC. will be adding the exporting of HYDROGEN and HYDROGEN FUEL CELLS in the near future!
A consortium is an association of two or more individuals, companies, organizations or governments with the objective of participating in a common activity or pooling their resources for achieving a common goal.
The LNG CONSORTIUM PROJECT, LLC. is a Public Private Partnership between Government, the LNG Drillers & LNG Sellers, International Guaranteed Buyers, LNG CONSORTIUM PROJECT Oil & Gas Tank Farm LNG Storage & Relay Center in the Palau, South Pacific, South East ASIA, Caribbean and the countries Governments to form an unbeatable consortium for the mutual benefit of all.
The LNG CONSORTIUM PROJECT, LLC. is the vision of Dennis M. Butts Chairman of Honor Valor Courage Corporation. Five divisions of Honor Valor Courage Corporation including the HVCC EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE, NATIONAL VETERANS EDUCATION INSTITUTE, HVCC KNOWLEDGE CENTERAGE, HVCC UAV DRONE TECHNOLOGY GROUP AND HVCC OIL & GAS GROUP will be involved in this project.
The LNG CONSORTIUM PROJECT, LLC. is filed as a Limited Liability Company in the State of Pennsylvania. The LNG CONSORTIUM PROJECT, LLC. is a subsidiary of HONOR VALOR COURAGE CORPORATION. Mr. John Weidlich is the MANAGING MEMBER and may appoint additional member. The Corporate Counsel will be Dino Persio and the CPA Firm will be Young, Oakes, Brown & Co. PC. Filing dated of the LLC was 8-1-2019
Unified Communications (UCaaS) will be by RingCentral. Under the Direct Partnership Contract with HONOR VALOR COURAGE CORPORATION. This will allow continuous visual and voice communication as well as full collaboration between all members of the LNG CONSONSORTIUM PROJECT which may reach well over 30,000 on the Unified Communication network from multiple and various organizations, departments, states and countries and over 100,000 network unified Communication connections when combining the additional refinery companies, ports, suppliers, logistic companies, organizations, states, governments and counties that will be brought in to support and provide services for the LNG CONSORTIUM PROJECT. The RingCentral Unified Communication and video network provided by HONOR VALOR COURAGE CORPORATION is a critical requirement for the success of this unique LNG CONSORTIUM PROJECT, LLC. and will be utilized throughout the entire LNG CONSORTIUM PROJECT.
The LNG CONSORTIUM PROJECT, LLC. was originally focused on MEMBER in the Marcellus Drilling LNG Sellers in Pennsylvania as their charter members, but has now expanded to the Marcellus Drilling LNG Sellers in other states including New York, Ohio and West Virginia, as well as also expanding the Emerging Oil & Gas Shale Plays, Shale Basin, Utica and Devonian Oil, LPG and LNG MEMBERS. The LNG CONSORTIUM PROJECT, LLC. has also expanded to included a separated special MEMBER classification for the INDIAN NATIONS in the US and CANADA. LNG CONSORTIUM PROJECTS, LLC. now handles producers around the world to provide our BUYER MEMBER and SELLER sellers MEMBERS our services. We welcome all Producers and Seller to become MEMBERS in LNG CONSORTIUM PROJECT, LLC. There is no direct of upfront cost to become or be a MEMBER.
The LNG CONSORTIUM PROJECT, LLC. is now providing our services to for the Crude Oil, Bunkers Fuel and Aviation Fuel sellers and buyers.
The decade-old boom in hydraulic fracturing in the Marcellus Shale formation that has brought wells to a wide swath of northern and southwestern Pennsylvania is considered unconventional well drilling. There are about 9,000 unconventional wells producing natural gas in the state Pennsylvania , including at least one in 33 of 67 counties. There are nearly 3,200 wells currently drilled into the Marcellus Shale formation in West Virginia.
New York over 15,000 wells and 44 wells in Ohio.
The Marcellus Formation or the Marcellus Shale is a Middle Devonian age unit of sedimentary rock found in eastern North America. Named for a distinctive outcrop near the village of Marcellus, New York, in the United States, it extends throughout much of the Appalachian Basin.
The unit name usage by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) includes Marcellus Shale and Marcellus Formation. The term "Marcellus Shale" is the preferred name throughout most of the Appalachian region, although the term "Marcellus Formation" is also acceptable within the State of Pennsylvania. The unit was first described and named as the "Marcellus shales" by J. Hall in 1839.
The HVCC OIL & GAS GROUP has been involved in the LNG (Liquid Natural Gas) business on both the buyer and seller side of the business. Our dealing involved only dealing directly with the principals in these transactions not through the commodities markets.
The Great State of Pennsylvania is a critical part of the LNG CONSORTIUM PROJECT on the Public side of the Public Private Partnership. Representative Louis C. Schmitt, Jr. provides the Pennsylvania Government contracts and introductions for the LNG CONSORTIUM PROJECT, LLC. in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Representative Schmitt is on the Committee on transportation and the Chair of the Subcommittee on Railroads. He is also on the Committee for Commerce and Urban Affairs all of which are extremely important to this project because of the transportation of LNG. Department and Commissions in the Pennsylvania government who will be involved in the process. The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, Department of Taxation and Revenue, Department of Environmental Protection, Public Utilities Commission, Department of Education, Commission on Asian Pacific American Affairs, Department of State, Department of Labor and Industry, Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, Office of Homeland Security, Pennsylvania Emergency Management and Conservation and Natural Resources will all be involved in the process. The LNG CONSORTIUM PROJECT, LLC. firmly believes that the State of Pennsylvania and eventually the State of New York, Ohio, and West Virginia will be similar involved for their states and very important to the success of the LNG CONSORTIUM PROJECT, LLC.
A detailed outline of each group, their objectives and responsibilities to the LNG CONSORTIUM PROJECT will be prepared for approval and acceptance by each lead member of the LNG CONSORTIUM PROJECT. Then the combined operational plan and will be distributed by HONOR VALOR COURAGE CORPORATION. The operational plan will include all planned companies, department, agencies, counties and other entities that will be necessary to bring this dynamic Public Private Consortium into a cohesive organization for the benefit of so many.
The LNG CONSORTIUM PROJECT, LLC. is planned as major on-going PROJECT and will be developed in phases. The first phase was undertaken in August 1, 2019 with the official filling of the company as a separate LLC in the State of Pennsylvania, During Phase one we also begin conversation with all within in our internal conversational contacts and principal contacts to develop the connection and ideals required. Phase two was started on September 2, 2019 with the formal invitation to all CHARTER MEMBER on the ZOOM Unified Communication Platform. At this meeting we will go over the various phases and stages of the implementation of the LNG CONSORTIUM PROJECT, LLC. programs and the timeline of each phase. Phase three incorporated the results of the discussion in phase one and two and begin the first test negotiation, contract, sale and shipment of LNG between ASIA guaranteed buyers and guaranteed Sellers in.